

Consultations are available by appointment only, and can be done by phone or in person at your home or barn in the Denver metro area. I charge a travel fee for home and barn visits based on distance, in addition to my regular fee.

Call 303-757-6918 or email marianne1459@comcast.net to schedule an appointment.

Services and Fees




30 mins | $60
60 mins | $90
90 mins | $140

15 minute appointments ($30) are available for established clients for quick questions, vacation preparation or check-ins.

Fees are payable at the time of the consult by check (mail to 1459 S Eudora St, Denver, CO 80222), cash or Venmo (@marianne-mckiernan).

Travel Fee


The travel fee for in-home and barn visits varies by distance from central Denver. The minimum fee is $10. I can provide the exact fee when you schedule your appointment.

Gift Certificates


Gift certificates are available for 30 or 60-minute sessions. Fill out this form to request a gift certificate.

Cancellation Policy


Please provide at least 24 hours notice if you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment.